Political Commentary - An Obaman Change for India!!!

The intense political campaign in the world's super power has raised stakes and media shares across the globe. But well before the election day there was a clear lead for Obama and the margin so clear that McCain him self had to acknowledge the lead.
So what caused the landslide, was it the race or color or the man's charisma or was it anti incumbency? Well though all the above factors might have had their share in the making of history, it was pretty clear what has triggered immense energy across the complex mixture of United states citizens, from different cultures, backgrounds and priorities. The Mantra of the Obaman campaign has been simple which was 'Change that we need', and yes it has done wonders for the most successful political campaign of recent times.
While from Indian point of view it is still unclear if this change that is going to come is the 'much needed strategic ally' or 'the business rival ' for securing jobs, the first year in white house is going to be a determining the stereotype of Obaman effect on India. During the campaign trail while he was still fighting Hillary, Obama raised a lot of eyebrows saying 'Bill clinton's allies with Indian community have some other meaning and were affecting US job sector'.
On the other hand, while this is American Obama's effect on India, the questions that lingers every where is, 'Is India going to get a person driving such a change?' if so 'Who is the change that could bring positive energy to 1.4 billion Indian community?'.
The answer for this is not so simple because Indian political are opportunity based and not cause based. The Indian political scenario or the quantity based Indian voters does not yet have the maturity of American politics. As an example days before election the republican contestant John McCain cleared the air about opponent's character thus keeping Obama's head high and his head much higher.
In Indian politics at the current day we can only expect Raj Thackrey to use Amitabh or Mayavathi to play more cast based politics to become a national leader or Lalu to relax while National anthem is going on. At this rate by the time Indian politics gets the maturity of the American era the America would have produced a newer change and a newer Obama.
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