
Showing posts from 2008

Political Commentary - An Obaman Change for India!!!

The intense political campaign in the world's super power has raised stakes and media shares across the globe. But well before the election day there was a clear lead for Obama and the margin so clear that McCain him self had to acknowledge the lead. So what caused the landslide, was it the race or color or the man's charisma or was it anti incumbency? Well though all the above factors might have had their share in the making of history, it was pretty clear what has triggered immense energy across the complex mixture of United states citizens, from different cultures, backgrounds and priorities. The Mantra of the Obaman campaign has been simple which was 'Change that we need', and yes it has done wonders for the most successful political campaign of recent times. While from Indian point of view it is still unclear if this change that is going to come is the 'much needed strategic ally' or 'the business rival ' for securing jobs, the first year in white ...

The Great Indian Space Odessey And Beyond !

4...3...2...1 and go. Thus India's date with the cosmos re engaged at a greater level on october 22, 2008 when the 44.4 meter long pslv 11 started of from Srihari kota, AP and shrugged off a thrust of doubts behind to go out on a rendezvous with the moon. The launch is as part of Chandrayan1 (Sanskrit for moon craft) and the satellite is expected to get in to lunar orbit and take high resolution pictures of moon's layers. By doing so India the biggest democracy in the world not only wanted send out signals of space supremacy in Asia and beyond but also make it self part of the elite club of US, Russia, China and Japan. This along with joining the elite club of UN security council and Responsible Nuclear powered countries etc are in the TO DO list of India foreign affairs for more than two decades. This space feat is just gets it a step closer. While taking sip out of the success, taking a bigger approach to the whole point raises a few essential doubts from the insiders view....